“Children seem to be such remarkable learners on their own, but then they enter school. Some succeed in school, and it is impressive that they learn as successfully as they do. But many if not most children somehow do not seem to learn very well in school. Why is it that these people who learn so well in one context can so thoroughly falter and fail in another? I think the reason has to do with the following theory: some things — models, materials children think and learn with—are embedded in the natural environment of the child. When the child goes through the tremendously complex and demanding process of learning to speak, for instance, nothing is “taught” in the sense of someone giving lessons for an hour or two a day. Speaking is part of living, and it just happens. It is learned in a natural way.”
Papert, S. (1984). Computer as Mudpie. Intelligent Schoolhouse: Readings on Computers and Learning. D. Peterson. Reston, VA, Reston Publishing Company.