February 7, 2012
Paul A. Soderdahl of Iowa City, Iowa contacted me to share two quotes he wrote down during a Seymour Papert speech delivered in Newton, Iowa April 29, 1999. Here is one of those quotes: “We train tigers, not teachers.”
Paul A. Soderdahl of Iowa City, Iowa contacted me to share two quotes he wrote down during a Seymour Papert speech delivered in Newton, Iowa April 29, 1999. Here is one of those quotes: “We train tigers, not teachers.”
My old friend, Ihor Charischak, shared this four minute clip in which Seymour Papert addresses the “suicidal” tendencies of teacher training and calls for more thought to being given to the “art of learning.” “When they went to school, the first thing they [children] had to learn was to stop learning and to begin being