Seymour Papert on Unleashing Children’s Musical Creativity
I just stumbled upon this short 1985 video clip (featuring Rena Upitis) that I had not seen before.
Seymour Papert on Unleashing Children’s Musical Creativity Read More »
I just stumbled upon this short 1985 video clip (featuring Rena Upitis) that I had not seen before.
Seymour Papert on Unleashing Children’s Musical Creativity Read More »
Attached is a 1988 paper written by the designers of LEGO TC Logo, Seymour Papert, Steve Ocko, and Mitchel Resnick.
LEGO, Logo, and Design Read More »
This document was created by MIT Media Lab colleagues, Rozalind Picard, Seymour Papert, Walter Bender, Bruce Blumberg, Cynthia Breazeal, David Cavallo, Tod Machover, Mitchel Resnick, Deb Roy and Carol Strohecker in 2004. .
Affective Learning — a manifesto Read More »
This interview appears to have been recorded for the 2002 Squeakers documentary DVD by a team from Ball State University. Transcription attached.
Outtakes from Seymour Papert’s Squeakers DVD Interview Read More »
“The next issue, which was the one I really wanted to touch on, was what … Was about how those computers would be used, and how they could be used, centered around whether you would look for the use of the computer that automated teaching, in the spirit that people often still associate with the
Personal Computing and Its Impact on Education is the transcription of a 1978 speech given by Seymour Papert. It originally appeared in: Proceedings of the Gerard P. Weeg Memorial Conference, University of Iowa, Iowa City, 1978 and was republished as chapter 15 in Taylor, R. (1980). The computer in the school: Tutor, tool, tutee. NY: Teacher’s College
New Addition to the Papert Text Archives Read More »
“In many schools today, the phrase “computer-aided instruction” means making the computer teach the child. One might say the computer is being used to program the child. In my vision, the child programs the computer and, in doing so, both acquires a sense of mastery over a piece of the most modern and powerful technology
Eight Big Ideas Behind the Constructionist Learning Lab By Dr. Seymour Papert (1999) From the Ph.D. dissertation, “An Investigation of Constructionism in the Maine Youth Center,” by Gary Stager, 2007. A number of translations of this document into other languages may be found here. The first big idea is learning by doing. We all learn
Eight Big Ideas Behind the Constructionist Learning Lab Read More »
“Connecting new knowledge to things you know and love, and things you think you can do, makes you feel good about it, makes you take it in in a form that is your own. By taking in knowledge in a form that feels to you as you, you change your feelings about yourself as well.
Seymour Papert makes several profound points in this very short clip from a 1991 conference keynote. The complete video, along with its transcript may be found here. “Another way of describing what school does to children is infantilizing them, treating them like children so to speak. Now, one’s got to be careful playing with that