
Dr. Gary Stager is an internationally renowned educator and the curator of

June 7, 2011

“How do we make writing become hard fun? One way is to develop for kids “writable” activities that they love to do. The building of robotic devices acquires “writability” because it lends itself to stage-by-stage description. Its writability is further enhanced by the use of word processors and digital cameras. But beyond technology there is

June 7, 2011 Read More »

June 6, 2011

“Passionate love affairs of the young are seldom understood by their elders, and although parents cannot always be specific about their concerns, an unusually wide generation gap feeds fears that children are off in dangerous places. Worrying about bad company in cyberspace has captured first place from worrying about children becoming isolated nerds.” Papert, S.

June 6, 2011 Read More »

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