
Dr. Gary Stager is an internationally renowned educator and the curator of

May 18, 2011

“No two people follow the same path of learnings, discoveries, and revelations. You learn in the deepest way when something happens that makes you fall in love with a particular piece of knowledge.” Papert, S. (1987) “MicroWorlds: Transforming Education.” In Lawler, R. Artificial Intelligence and Education: Volume One – learning environments and tutoring systems. Norwood, […]

May 18, 2011 Read More »

May 11, 2011

“In my view, a key to the current trends of discussion about technology and education is an ironic fact about the imbalance between informational and constructional. Whereas the most qualitatively original contribution digital technology could make to education lies in redressing the imbalance, in fact the imbalance is increased by popular perception that so strongly

May 11, 2011 Read More »

May 4, 2011

Papert wrote the following in the second issue of Wired Magazine back in 1993! “I see then a pattern of intellectual development that I shall oversimplify by casting it in three distinct phases. The first phase is one of universally successful learning. All children show a passion for interactive exploration of their immediate world. The

May 4, 2011 Read More »

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